Rev. Faith Totushek

Professional info
It's been fun to participate in a wide variety of education and work opportunities ranging from Bible School and Seminary to pastoral ministry and cross-cultural ministry. I've enjoyed on-going educational opportunities in Marriage counseling and education as well as a class in immigration law and advocacy.
Ministry Experience
Pastor Grace United Methodist Church, St Cloud, MN
In the Summer of 2018, I took the call to serve Grace UMC in St Cloud MN. I joined the United Methodist Denomination. I serve a multi-generational congregation in a rural/urban setting in central Minnesota.
Other Ministry Skills
Social Media/computer
Seven Principle Program Educator for Marriage Revitalization
Gottman Level One Marriage Workshop
Pastor of WayFinder's Home Church
In 2011, we returned to MN and rejoined our original church, Monticello Covenant, for a time. In 2012, we began the process of visioning a home church with a small group of people near Buffalo, MN where we lived. In 2013, I also became a Gottman Seven Principles Program Educator to help couples revitalize their marriages. I integrated Biblical ideals with the Gottman program and created a marriage retreat and class that would help couples grow in their relationships and make vital connections with God. Home Church was an outgrowth of this ministry. WayFinder's Home Church meets weekly for a meal, worship, a time of hearing from God and Bible exploration as well as a time of praying for one another and the world.
My husband currently leads worship and works with the children during our Home Church time.
Pastor, United Covenant Church
I took the call to United Covenant Church in Wilton, CT knowing that it was an at risk church. Having been a part of revitalizing the church in Becker, we felt this would be a good opportunity for another revitalization. After trying a number of strategies, in 2011, we found that the church was not sustainable and needed to close its doors. This was a big challenge and I learned so much about churches in decline. It was with great heartache that we decided to return to MN.
During my time at United Covenant Church, I also worked with Pivot Ministry, a Men's Recovery Ministry similar to Teen Challenge in Bridgeport, CT. I used the Teen Challenge Curriculum to teach Biblical interpretation, the meaning of the sacraments and other Bible related classes. I also preached a few chapel services. It was a great joy to see the men encountering God and finding freedom from their addictions.
My husband was again an integral part of ministry at United Covenant Church equipping a worship team and reaching out to the community through neighborhood relationships and music in the local bar.
Pastor, Snake River Church
Snake River Church in Becker, MN had closed its doors for over a year when a small group of people sought to reopen the church. When they called me I thought it was for pulpit supply but soon learned they wanted me to stay as their pastor. In three years time the congregation grew from 20 to 60 people. The people and I dug up the original constitution and implemented a leadership team. We redesigned the Sunday morning worship time to include both historical elements and contemporary music. The congregation renovated the church building and grounds. Then we began reaching out to the neighbors and local families. Finally, I helped the church begin a search for a permanent pastor as I felt my time there was interim in nature.
My husband also was a integral part of the revitalization ministry equipping a worship team and ministering regularly in worship and children's ministry.
2010 - present
2010 - present
Bethel Seminary, MDIV New Testament & Pastoral Ministry
I graduated as a generalist in pastoral ministry with an emphasis on New Testament. I took extra classes in cross-cultural ministry and church planting and in spiritual formation and family systems. I interned at Monticello Covenant Church implementing small group ministry and initiating a Hispanic ministry that led to a Hispanic Church plant. Whiie there my husband and I led worship with Spanish speaking team members singing in both English and Spanish during a monthly bi-lingual worship service.
Crown College, BS Christian Ministry
I graduated from Crown College with a degree in Christian Ministry and interned with Plymouth Covenant Church and Riverwood Covenant Church participating in the development of small group ministry and worship team.